Olga Soto at Compassion Toledo

Last Tuesday, the women at Compassion Toledo, welcomed Olga Soto to share her life’s story, and her mission, to spread the love of God.

Olga shared her amazing story of tragedies and triumphs as told in her recent books,

In His Hands: Tragedies to Triumphs, and Be Encouraged, vol. 1.

It was an emotional encounter of muffled sniffles and far-away looks from women seemingly taking an account of their own obstacles, as Olga spoke of the tragedies she experienced.

But finally, after the dreary road we traveled, on page after page, listening as she read her testimony to the group, the weather in her story started to change.

Clouds started breaking, and the sun started shining, as she began to seek her purpose, to seek God.

The room was even brighter. Hope had entered, and not just for Olga, but for all who were there. (Me, too!)

Olga would like to thank the ladies of the church, as well as First Lady, Alicia Boes, for such kindness and love given to her at the ministry meeting.

Olga loves sharing her testimony, and if you’d like to hear her speak at your women’s ministry, you can reach out at info@takeheartbooks.com to schedule an engagement!

Be sure to follow her Amazon Author page for info about her next book out later this year from yours truly, Take Heart Books!

Olga’s books are available at Amazon, B&N, and your local Toledo Library.

About Stella

Stella is the publisher and editor of Take Heart Books.